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Friday, April 16, 2010

Effective Search Engine Marketing Tips

To be successful on the Internet, people have to know that your website exists so it is vital that you execute what is known as search engine marketing. Why? There is no better way to accomplish your goal of online domination than to get ranked high in the search engines. That is easier said than done though and you have to perform effective search engine marketing if you want to be found and stay found.

Search engine marketing differs a bit from search engine optimization in that when you are performing search engine marketing it is often with Google Absence or some other form of paid inclusion. Search engine optimization is actually a part of search engine marketing so really the two go hand in hand.

Here are some tips to make sure you get the most out of your search engine marketing:

Optimize you ads: Just because you are buying visitors with pay-per-clicks doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t optimize your ads. Whenever you get the opportunity to provide the text, make sure that you use search engine optimization techniques and incorporate your keywords in without committing keyword spam.

Add anchor text links: Whenever you get the opportunity to place your URL link anywhere, be sure to anchor it with http:// as this will automatically make it a hot link to your website.

Use relevancy: When you are advertising on your website, be sure that the ads that are being posted are relevant to your website. Google and the other major search engines love good relevant content and by pairing things that aren’t relevant you could actually find yourself being penalized.

Research your keywords: If you are planning on doing a Pay-Per-Click or PPC campaign you need to do your research on your keywords first. This can be done by going to Google and typing in ‘keyword tool’ into the search bar and then selecting Google’s keyword tool and actually using it. This is important because you have to pay for every click whether the visitor buys or simply goes away. If you effectively research your keywords, you will not only realize the cost of each keyword but you will be able to look at some possible alternatives to those more expensive keywords.

Localize your ads: When you decide on a PPC campaign you can localize your keywords and this will serve two purposes. One is that anyone in your area searching for what you have to offer will find you and two, the cost of the keyword ‘Chicago surgeon’ is probably much cheaper that ‘surgeon’ itself.

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