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Friday, April 16, 2010

The Power of Higher Time Frames

Many novice traders get caught up with looking at 1hr charts or lower because they think they are going to become rich “day traders”. The statistics on consistently profitable traders all point to one thing; they trade using larger time frames. By larger time frames I am referring to preferably daily, weekly, or monthly time frames. You can implement a 4hr chart into your trading, however you really should develop a trading strategy that only uses daily and weekly charts when first starting out.

The power of higher time frames lies in their ability to give you the most meaningful view of the market as well as their ability to act as a filter. Much of the movement that occurs in the market is just random noise that does not really tell you anything meaningful. This noise phenomenon gets amplified as you move down in time frame. For example, a monthly chart has less noise than a weekly, a weekly less than a daily, a daily less than a 4hr, and a 4hr less than a 1hr. It is the opinion of most successful traders that any chart less than a 1hr chart is essentially going to hurt your trading much more than help it and is essentially useless.

Beginning traders especially need to be concentrating on daily and weekly charts. You can consistently profit off of daily and weekly charts alone. I personally use daily and weekly charts for the majority of my trading decisions, occasionally I will use a 4hr or 1hr chart, more on that later. The problem with trading is that you have to set your own rules and it really is a world where you can do an unlimited amount of damage to yourself, or an unlimited amount of good. By focusing on daily and weekly charts especially in the beginning of your trading career, you will be providing yourself with a learning opportunity into the intricacies of market movement and what works and what does not work.

No matter what your trading strategy is, when you get an entry signal in the market the higher the time frame it occurs on the more reliable the signal will be. A weekly or daily signal is significantly more reliable than a 4hr or 1hr signal, and as stated before once you go below a 1hr time frame you might as well just be flipping a coin for your trading decisions. Once you gain experience as to what works and what doesn’t work and you develop a trading plan with specific entry and exit rules based on daily and weekly charts, then you can look at 4hr charts or even 1hr charts to fine tune you entry or exit. However, that being said, it is entirely possible to only look at daily charts or above and consistently profit in the markets. Taking that route will probably also be much less stressful and also allows people with full-time jobs to trade after work and not worry about the minute to minute market fluctuations.

In closing, beginning traders need only concern themselves with daily chart time frames and higher. If you can profit consistently off of these higher time charts in the forex market, than you are well on your way to becoming a professional trader. However, I can not reiterate enough, that once you drop below a daily chart your entry and exit signals lose a significant amount of reliability.

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