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Friday, June 3, 2011

What is Business Administration?

Business administration is the process of managing every aspect of a business in order for it to maintain its growth or stability, depending on the overall goal of the owner or owners. Most companies have a dedicated group of administrators who work to ensure this takes place. Most also work to get to this point by setting up a hierarchy. This starts with lower management, and works its way through middle management to upper management.

The head of overall operations in business administration is usually referred to as the chief executive officer (CEO) or president. In some companies, these two individuals are separate, each with their own separate duties and spheres of influence. However, it is likely that one does answer to the other, but this could be different from company to company. In a very few cases, these two individuals may operate as equals, though still work closely together.

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The CEO, depending on the size of the company, may have several vice presidents under him, each in charge of a different area. For example, there could be a vice president of existing operations, vice president of expansion, and vice president of research and development. While each operates independently of one another, they all receive direction from the CEO and, perhaps, the board of directors.

For those interested in a business career, many schools offer business administration as a degree option. In fact, it is even possible to attend school for business administration online. In those classes, the student will learn the basic operations of running a business. There will be classes on customer service, human resources, business finance, marketing, and other similar fields related to business.

In many cases, those who wish to continue their career to mid or upper-level management may find they need a Master's degree in business administration. This type of graduate degree is one of the most popular. Those who are dedicated to the program will find their opportunities for jobs and advancement may increase dramatically. For those who want to go into business for themselves, a business administration degree can also be helpful by providing the basic tools one needs for success.

Business administration jobs can also be tailored for the individual. For example, those interested in marketing will probably be able to find a position, and perhaps a single company, where they can spend the entire length of their career in the field. This specialization not only helps the employee, it helps the company because it keeps people in jobs they are interested in and in which they have expertise.

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