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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing

Business owners know that it is important to keep up with marketing trends. Social media marketing is the tool that business owners can use to promote their business. There are many benefits to using this new form of marketing that other forms of marketing do not have.

Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing uses marketing methods that many people are familiar with. These forms of marketing include, but are not limited to: email blasts, advertisement, cold calling, trade shows, and telemarketing. Outbound marketing has proven to be successful for many business owners; however, many business owners understand that it takes a lot of time and hard work for these methods to pay off.

Outbound marketing methods are hit-or-miss because they do not target certain audiences. In other words, the company is promoted to people who may or may not be looking for its product. Even though outbound marketing is hit-or-miss, a lot of the methods are expensive to utilize, and thus, not worth a lot of a business owner's time or money.

Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing uses marketing methods like social media and internet marketing to target specific audiences. In reality, social media gives a business owner instant warm leads. With inbound marketing, people control what kinds of advertisements they see. A business owner that effectively uses social media marketing will see an increased amount of traffic to their business. Sites like Facebook allow a business owner to create a business profile that, with proper promotion, can be seen by millions of people.

Social sites like Facebook and Twitter focus on relationships. Social media marketing allows the opportunity for people to share a business profile that they like with their friends. Because of this, it is possible for a company to go "viral" among potential customers.

Many business owners are realizing the potential of social media marketing, and they are taking advantage of it while it is still new. Soon, internet marketing and social media marketing will be another outdated method, and the companies that utilized social media early in its life will still profit from it.

It is important for you to understand how important it is to use internet marketing. If you do not use social media, your competition will take advantage of it and profit. To be successful with social media, you need to establish your brand before your competition. Your loyal customers will give you free word of mouth advertising, which is the best kind of marketing.

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